Saturday, 24 July 2010

Report : Day 1

or is it day 2?...

Well, today I would like to share with the world a report on my progress on my new age resolution. Hehe...(we'll see how istiqamah I would be in keeping this up)


Yesterday, I was given a pleasant surprise when my grandmother and my uncle mokhtar (my mum's mother and brother respectively) dropped by for a visit. It was good seeing her as I have meant to go Muar several times, and somehow, often had to cancel last minute. My grandmother seemed well for a 92-year-old woman. However, she does misremember few important information from time to time. Takperlah... janji sihat.

When they headed back to Muar, the Fared clan hurriedly got ready for a shopping trip to Nilai. Nope, the trip wasn't for me, but it was for Mr. hubby who wanted to survey several cokking and storing equipment for his new eaterie which hopefully operate after the Eid..

Back to the report.

Since we came back from Nilai after Maghrib (empty-handed... tak caya kan??), I couldn't keep up with my resolution to do clean ups at nite. 

But... tonite, I was able to do almost everything from cleaning the toilet to macam2lah, with the exception of mopping the floors. But I did bring the pail up... So hopefully, that will be done too after blogging. So, tomorrow I would be able to clean the porch, garage... ironing and be off to Seremban with the kids for a 'joli' good time. Haha... So, one resolution was met today.

About refraining my temper and voice from escalating the Richter scale,... hmmm.... it wasn't much of a success. I did manage to kept mums several times to Farhan and Khadijah, but my voice simply went up when it comes to Farah. Sigh... My only excuse is that, this old 'dog' needs time to learn new tricks. I shall not give up, instead strive for the betterment in the days to come. InsyaAllah.

So, that is about all about resolutions and what nots. Till then...