Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Gigilku Datang Lagik

Why? Simple... Two reason to it. Reason 1, I had too much durian last nite. I received 3 rather-big size durian from a student. Somehow, I couldn't resist the durian. I made sambal tempoyak, and cooked ikan bilis kicap. A dry dish to complement each lauk. The result, En. Hubby and I finished 2-whole pot of rice. Giler number 1. Then, when the kids were already in their dreamland, again another durian was massacred. The result, aiyooo, my body could not tolerate the heat and is starting to send stress signal. Aiyyooo again.

Reason number 2. Tomorrow, my dearest students would receive their MUET result. They are calm about it, their teacher is in jitters, wondering what awaits her at PPD tomorrow. Grrr...

Sigh! Susah gak jadik cikgu yer...