The reason. I was introduced to a blog site of a breast cancer patient. She wrote on her treatment, her pain, survival as she was diagnosed with more than a cancer. But what she wrote about her family had tears streaming down my cheeks. And she passed away this morning after holding her forte for 7 years.
I can't imagine how my life would be if we were to trade places. Emotionally, financially. She was very strong and optimistic of her condition. She was cheerful too, able to take things down her stride. Her only downside was her 'guilt' to her children. She felt that with her illness, she had robbed her children of ther childhood years. I cried reading her entry. I sure hope that her children would be able to read her entries and understand how much she had loved and cared for them. And this reminded me of my main reason of writing in a blog. I want to share my journey in this world with my loved ones.
I want the world to know how much I love my children, and how much I look forward to coming home each day to them. I may grouch, nag and drop several pinches when the house is uncleaned and things do not fall in order. But darling dearest, Farhan, Khadijah, Farah and Fatin sayang, you have been, and will always be, the epitome of my life. I love you dearest and hope that our journey in this world would always be happy and be hand-in-hand. Thank you for everything...