When I am back in Gombak, I believe I am a far cry from who or what I am in PD. Don't ask me why, but nothing beats the feeling of being at your own house. Not that my in-laws put a stop at anything that I wanna do at home, but... it's just different with your own family. So, when I am back with En. Abah, I become a homemaker. I cook, I clean, and I feel that my maid likes it here too. Mana idaknyer, dia pulak macam mem, sitting around, reading the newspapers, watching aruna, while I do most of the work. Teruk kan? It's not that I don't order her about, but I hate it when she and her cousin, my brother's maid, are together. Macam tak geti bahasa langsung. Gish! Anyways, this is digressing from the topic.
Anyway, being the homemaker that I am (not!), here is the menu for today. Kari ikan and ayam goreng. Abah's verdict = sedap, tapi tak boleh challenge arwah mak. Hmm... Kena belajar lagik ler gamaknyer....