Thursday, 3 June 2010

Me life's ups and downs

The Yess...
  • cuti sekolah is just around the corner, so En. Abah, get your house, mind and nerves ready to be disturbed by yours truly and her abundance children invading your property. 2 minggu tuh... I'll bet you would be happy when the holiday ends. 
  • I finished my marking! Yabedabedoo... total holiday mode. Shopping, relaxing...
  • Would be staying longer than usual. Almost two weeks. Huhu...
  • Was awarded extra cash to spend. Alhmadulillah, ader rezeki En. Abah yer...
  • Tak sabar nak anta farah and fatin to a nursery. Hope they will have fun and dipermudahkan segala urusan in sending them there

The Nooozzz...
  • Leaving En. Hubby behind. I'm sorry sayang, but I know when I'm not wanted. I need space and time to recuperate and bounce back...
  • Will be without a helper after a long time of self-pampering sdn.bhd. Kena reschedule life after the holiday mode. Kena rajin after this. I have to learn to handle the house hold chores and the children by myself. En. Hubby - kan dia dah keluar keje by 4.00 a.m. Camanek nak tolong. Semoga dipermudahkan olehNya dan semoga juga aku ni makin rajin.
  • and due to point two, my mil would be happy and delighted that En. Hubby and my rendesvous hours would be limited.
  • takut gak my temper would be incontrollable when I'm tired.
  • no mp
  • the hole in my pocket would be bigger as I have to fork out more for the nursey, extra help, cooking... Not easy to maintain a large family, eh?

In short, I actually look forward to another tumble in my life. I called it a tumble, not a hindrance, as I believe this could help me to optimize my capabilities. I could learn to improvise myself when I have to handle and care for the children and house by myself. I do pray that I will not succumb to my emotions and negative feelings, especially if things do not go well as planned. But I could only plan, Allah determines the best.  Manalaaa tahu, the bonus of losing weight would finally fall on me. Kan??? Bestnyer... Anyways...