Monday, 12 April 2010


Entahler... You could complain about how life can be unfair a zillion times, how things do not go according to plan, etc. The list is endless... BUT... is life truly unfair?

I am a bit upset. The thing that I feei I deserved did not fall to me. Instead, it went to another person whom I personally feel did not deserve it. If the person does more than he should, perhaps, I wouldn't have mind. Entahler...

I am in a mixed up mood. Upset, unhappy... yet I know I am a bubbly and happy-go-lucky person who would soon shoo these negative emotions away. Nevertheless, I am still a homo sapien with feelings. Kan?

I know I have much to thank for. I have four beautiful and amazing children (eh? have there anyone who describe their children as ugly, etc on line? heh!), a loving and supportive husband, a blessed and blissful marriage, a very supporting mother-in-law, a doteful father, a very close-knit relationship with my younger brother, a nice working environment, and the most important factor of all, I have a religion! Ini gara-gara watching "Clash of the Titans" ler ni.

I know for sure that Allah has greater rewards for me, better than the ones I wish for. I remember how devastated I was over a failed relationship after my uni years. I cried and I prayed hard that the relationship would continue again. I'm glad and thankful it didn't for I am truly grateful and blessed that I met Mr. Fred, who is a far cry than the man I shed tears for. Truly... I now feel embarassed when Mr. Fred mentioned about the old flame. Malu wehh... 

Anyways... after writing this, I feel a lot better... I just need to be reminded of the good things i have surrounding me from time to time. And maybe its about time i seriously think about furthering my studies...

Mr.Fred and Fatin, waiting for our domino's

 Jantung hati mama...

  My princessess... I love you gals dearly, sayang...

Thank you Allah for your wonderful gifts that You have bestowed on me. Semoga Engkau senantiasa melimpahi aku dengan rahmatMu. Dan semoga jua, dengan limpahan nikmat dan rahmatMu, aku akan menjadi hambaMU yang solehah. AMIN!