Monday, 21 December 2009

Giler lama...

It has been a long while since I last wrote and opened my blog. Giler lama... D reasons? Macam2 ada. Since the start of the school holidays, I've been swamped with zillion of things to do. Then come marking season. Lagi giler sebok. Marking this time around is a bit more difficult for me. Dunno why... Could be that I have more children than before (4, mind ya). And they can never see me sitting silently at the table, trying very hard to understand and give marks to what have been written by the students. They feel that if mama is at home, mama is theirs to play with, to demand macam2 from... Grrr... But they are just kids from the age of 10 months to 6 years. What do you expect kan?

Anyways, have completed my shopping for Farhan. He's 7 next year, so it is a mark in our family as being the first child and grandchild to be in school. Hehehe... As usual, mak bapak yang excited giler with farhan appear nonchalant about it. He was only excited when we went shopping for his school bag, with actual tantrums being thrown at tesco when his demand for a Ben 10 bag with a trolley fall on deaf ears. The bag was expensive, a dollar short of a hundred. Dia bukannya pandai jaga harta pun, kan? So, next time ya mate. When you are better in taking care of your belongings ya sayang...

Hmm... gotta go back to my marking with 80 more scripts to go before the next meeting which will be on the 26th... Aggghhh... See ya