I hate it when things do not go my way... according to plan. I despise it even more when your good intentions are misdiagnosed. They perceived it negatively. I believe people tend to think bad of other people's intention when they... how do i put it into words... they don't like you. If you do not like a person, whatever the person does, however she dresses, whatever she says, takkan disukai lah kan????
Hmmm... I'm trying to keep my cool and not air my dirty linens in public... but God! Susahhnnyeee... You feel the need to share it with someone else besides your ...ehem... roomate...but I have to remember, Allah tidak suka hambanya yang membuka keaiban orang lain. AMIN!
Anyways, just came back from school today. Am happy with the classes I get this year. Am determined to be a better teacher than this year. AMIN!
Till then... 25 more scripts to go.... Sigh....