Thursday, 30 September 2010

Kesabaran dan Kebijaksanaan

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku...

Sesungguhnya, hanya pada Kau yang aku sembah,
Hanya pada Kau aku berserah
Dan hanya pada Kau aku mohon pertolongan...
Sesungguhnya hanya Kau yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang.

Ya Allah ya tuhanku,
Kurniakanlah aku kesabaran dalam mengharungi ujianMu
Kurniakanlah aku kebijaksanaan dalam menghadapi dugaanMu
Semoga aku tidak menjadi hamba-hambaMu yang alpa,
Yang lalai, dan yang mendahulukan emosi sebelum akal...


Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Lazy Bum-Bum

Oooohhh... it has been a long, long time since I last opened and written on my blog. I had so much to write, so many ideas had formed in my mind, yet I failed to pen them down when I had the time. Entahler...  I was just simply malas. Malas to update my blog, malas to even open and go through facebook, malas segala-galanya.

The last time I wrote an entry, I was maidless yet vigourous. Now, I have a maid, and I turn to a lazy bum. SUCKS! I regret being a lazy bum, yet I can't turn away from being one. Haha... teruksnyers I...


I have turn into taking makjun as a supplement now. I have stopped consuming spirulina as it is so effective ... in increasing my appetite... Cheh. I wanna lose weight, not gain more. Hehe... However, that was not the main reason why. The reason was, I had problems with my menses. Instead of the usual 21 -28 day cycle (as I am on the PILL), it will come every 15th day after one cycle is over. As a result, I could only fast for two weeks during last Ramadhan, which in turn, made me a bit piss as I had wish it to be a better Ramadhan than before. Sigh. I know and believe Allah knows best, yet I know as His servant, I can't stop trying to be a better muslim every day. And I better find a remedy to my diagnosis. So, I turn to traditional practitioner who suggested eating makjun for a change. Looking at the price and it-so-called benefits AND the dose 1 biji sehari, I succumbed to it. Senang nih!

The first day was a real challenge as when I opened the bottle, I was surprised to find that instead of capsules or tables, it came in plastic balls. Huh? Takper, takper. Hero Kalah dulu. As often said by lower six students... a motivation to keep me going. As I peeled off the plastic cover, I was even more surprised to see that the 'makjun' is the size of a 20 cent coin. Mak oiii... besarnye. How am I gonna swallow it? Being the nut that I am, I swallowed it whole, resulting almost-vomitting scenario at 6.30 in the morning. Farhan's eyes turned big and round as he viewed his mummy struggling to swallow the pill. I finished a very large glass of warm water to slog it down the throat. Giler difficult. I swore that I would just throw away the makjun and that would be the last of it.

But... the next day, I knew I could never give up if I wish to be better and improve my ailments. And as I toyed with the #@%* makjun, I realised that I could just split it to smaller balls. Easier for me to swallow. I could kicked myself for not doing that earlier. Itupun tak terfikir, I chided myself as I swallowed the makjun. Chrettt...

So, today has been day 5 of makjun consuming, and I must say I feel that my body feels stronger (tho' not slimmer which is not part of its benefit, sigh!!) and sedap. Hehehe... If you know what I mean. So, I hope I am istiqamah and that my menses will not come in the next two weeks. I pray that my cycle would be back to normal, which in turn would be easier for me to practise 'family-planning'. Errr... cukuplah 4. 

Close-up look, courtesy of En. Goog
Ni pun En. Goog yang bagi, a sample of a makjun product