Kids nowadays are very lucky and fortunate. Pre-schoolers too have their share on graduation and convocation. Farhan had his 'convocation' yesterday at the SKKG. I felt proud looking at my first child walking on the stage, receiving his scroll. With his robe and senget mortar board. and tersengih-sengih.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Telok Kemang Beach
Mr. F and Fatin...
Told ya... dah makin cantik Pantai Telok Kemang nih
Tuesday, 17th November 2009. I was on mc yesterday as Farah was down with high fever due to HFM, Hand Foot & Mouth disease. We had to put her far away from Fatin as the disease is highly contagious and dangerous to infants and babies. She was crying and whining the whole day, refusing milk and food. How could she eat with all those blisters in her mouth and tongue? It was a sight that I could not endure, seeing your daughter with red lips that are too sore to be shut and sliva drooling all over her shirt/dress... Sian giler. But I had to be the evil mommy yesterday when I had to pin her down and put medicine down her throat. Dia punyer struggle... pergh... tak minum dan makan pun kuat... Black and blue my boobs dibuatnyer. And after that she was able to swallow several gulps of her favourite drink, the chrysanthemum tea. Pagi tadi and also this afternoon, she drank several ounces of milk. Yippee... Yang tak bestnyer, she only wants milk when I am around. Am very glad the school holiday is just around the corner. Sabar yea sayang mama...
Anyway, in the afternoon, Mr. F took me, Farhan, Khadijah and Fatin to Seremban. Bukan dia bawak pun sebenarnya... Kita orang yang sebok2 je nak ikut (hehehe). Farah had to be left behind due to her illness. After finishing his dues in Seremban, we had nowhere to go while waiting to pick my dad-in-law to retrun from Jelebu so we headed to Pantai Telok Kemang.
It was ages since my last visit here. The last time I was there, I was still single and went there to watch Rabbani did a performance, with my Uniti colleagues. Giler punyer lama. Anyway, I digress... The beach has been given an uplift and cantik sekarang. We marvelled at the changes and laughed at our inability to visit tempat2 yang dekat dengan kiter. Sebok je nak gi vacation tempat orang, tempat sendiri tak terexplore. We let the kids played at the beach, enjoying the water and the breeze. Even Fatin was awed by the view and the wind. She kept smiling and laughed when the water hit her toes. It was awesome and we had a great time relaxing and spending time together. But, we missed Farah though. Fared and I felt incomplete without having her there. And yang lagi tak syoknye... the toilets. Upon paying 50 cents per entry, I would have expected a better kept ladies. Ughhh... I dont think I need to describe the conditions of the public toilet, but it was not worth a 50 cent per entry. 20 cents pun tidak. These people are not doing their part in keeping and maintaning the cleanliness of this public property. Geram betul... This certainly put the plan to bring the children back here on hold. Or... Mr. F would have to be the bigger man that he is and bring the kids to the loo when nature calls. I would take a rain check on that please.
Anyway, enjoy the pictures...
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Another daughter... another picture
Khadijah at the Ikea... Ni time H1N1 epidemic was on the rise.
Salam. Going thru my blog, I realised that I had missed putting up another child of mine's photo. Macam ramai sangat anak sampai boleh terlupa post all their pictures up. Hehehe... Sorry sayang mama. So, this is my second child, Siti Khadijah. She has a different name bestowed on her as it was given by her grandfather, my father-in-law. Hence, no F in this daugher's name. She has just turn 4 on October 5th. I remember giving birth to her during the 1st day of Ramadhan. I was already in the delivery room at about 11++ pm and was about ready to push her to the world when my hubby dearest whispered 'tahan sikit sayang. 15 minit lagi ramadhan. Tunggu Ramadhan ler'. Bolehkan di waktu2 kecemasan itu he said that. But being the dutiful and obedient wife that I am, I held on and delivered her at 12.05 a.m.
Khadijah is very attached to me, a bond that will never ceased, I hope. I treasure the time spent together and I love the way she speaks, in her pelat manner and gruffy voice. She would eagerly wait her turn to put her to bed and held on to my hand, raba2ing till she is asleep. Manja weii...
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Reality Check! and Checked!

Reality Check!
Sunday strikes again. Not that I don't adore Sunday, but it reminds me that my working hours is just around the corner. Holidays are never enuff for me. There are millions things to do at home, keeping up with the kids, etc. But I don't see myself as a non-working mother. I think work is what keep me sane around my children. Hehehe... Maybe in a way I feel gulity for the time spent away from them that whenever I am at home, I try my very best to be the best mum possible. In other words, their tantrums are met with smiles and looks of adoration, instead of the step-mum-glares and naggings. Those are saved for the school holidays.While doing notes to be used in the classes to come, had the time to peruse over my little bro's blog. What caught my eyes was at his description of himself where he mentioned "miss my sayang so much". "Ugghhh.... geeeliiii. Isyhh budak ni. Belajar dululah, sebok nak bergirlfriend!" those were my initial feelings upon reading those lines. But then, reality checks in. My brother is no longer the small boy that use to follow my butt around kl, hanging out with me and my girlfriends... His teeth are no longer filled with cavities that made me scringed whenever he opened his mouth... I no longer need to give him cough syrup to make him fall asleep so that I would have time to be on my own.
I now realised my "little" brother is no longer little. He has grown up. He has now become my friend. My shoulder to cry on. I remember the time when I was heartbroken over my first love, he was the one that I went to to pour my heart out. When our mother passed away, one glanced shared and we both burst to tears. No words needed to acknowledge the feelings that we shared. ( A trait highly frowned upon by my elder brother... hehehe). I am no longer his "favourite" girl, someone that he turns to in confidente... someone that he looks up to. How could he when he is inches taller than I am! Now, in his own way, he is the one shelving out advice to me, especially in regards to my sordid relationship with my other sibbling. He has instead become my pillar of strength, a reminder to me that i still have a family to fall back on...
I could still remember the time when he called to confirm his departure date to UK... It gave me several sleepless nites. My hubby had often reminded that the day would come and I need to be prepared - mentally - on letting my brother go. I cried buckets, yelling at my hubby that he doesn't know the predicament that I was going through. How could he... for I never told him the important role my darling brother plays in my life. Without him around, I know I will be losing touch with the family I left behind in KL. You see, I could NEVER win the love of my other sibbling, try hard as I could. Everything about me seems to bring embarassment to him. He shuts me out of his life, making the attempts on my behalf seem shallow and desperate. Hence, my little brother's departure to Wye brought sadness to me... instead of happiness that he deserves. Due to that, plus the fact that I was not able to help financially, I pretended that I was busy with my family and pregnancy. I wanted the arth to open up and swallow me whole so I won't have to face this ordeal... the embarassment that his sister is not as rich as she hopes to be... not able to help as much as she wish... But again, reality seep in and I realised that I should not be selfish. My brother is carving his future... my brother is growing up... My brother is going abroad, something that I wasn't able to do. That brought a smile to my face. It also gave me courage to send him off at the airport. But... not enough to stay till the end. Sigh!
I'm sorry brother dear, for being weak. I hope I could be brave as you are. I know that living alone in a foreign country could be diificult. But I know, and I have faith, that you will be able to make the most of it. You are capable of spinning webs of happiness from the silver linings of the black clouds. How do I know this? Search deep in your know it's true.
So, Adam dearest, if you are reading this blog, I am sorry for all the wrong things that were uttered, for all the things that were unsaid, for not being there in the time of needs, and many more. I can't seem to put words together now for the tears are clouding my eyes ... Adam, I realised that in a few months time, you will be awarded with the key to freedom, therefore, I am ready to let you go. Fly high as a kite, brother dearest, and soar among the eagles, be cushioned among the clouds. But brother dearest, just like the kite, there will always be a string attached to hold you firmly to the ground so you'll know the way back home... and at the end of the string, you will see me looking up at you, smiling proudly at the way you fly and with open arms will fold you with love when you are ready to be back to the ground.
I now realised my "little" brother is no longer little. He has grown up. He has now become my friend. My shoulder to cry on. I remember the time when I was heartbroken over my first love, he was the one that I went to to pour my heart out. When our mother passed away, one glanced shared and we both burst to tears. No words needed to acknowledge the feelings that we shared. ( A trait highly frowned upon by my elder brother... hehehe). I am no longer his "favourite" girl, someone that he turns to in confidente... someone that he looks up to. How could he when he is inches taller than I am! Now, in his own way, he is the one shelving out advice to me, especially in regards to my sordid relationship with my other sibbling. He has instead become my pillar of strength, a reminder to me that i still have a family to fall back on...
I could still remember the time when he called to confirm his departure date to UK... It gave me several sleepless nites. My hubby had often reminded that the day would come and I need to be prepared - mentally - on letting my brother go. I cried buckets, yelling at my hubby that he doesn't know the predicament that I was going through. How could he... for I never told him the important role my darling brother plays in my life. Without him around, I know I will be losing touch with the family I left behind in KL. You see, I could NEVER win the love of my other sibbling, try hard as I could. Everything about me seems to bring embarassment to him. He shuts me out of his life, making the attempts on my behalf seem shallow and desperate. Hence, my little brother's departure to Wye brought sadness to me... instead of happiness that he deserves. Due to that, plus the fact that I was not able to help financially, I pretended that I was busy with my family and pregnancy. I wanted the arth to open up and swallow me whole so I won't have to face this ordeal... the embarassment that his sister is not as rich as she hopes to be... not able to help as much as she wish... But again, reality seep in and I realised that I should not be selfish. My brother is carving his future... my brother is growing up... My brother is going abroad, something that I wasn't able to do. That brought a smile to my face. It also gave me courage to send him off at the airport. But... not enough to stay till the end. Sigh!
I'm sorry brother dear, for being weak. I hope I could be brave as you are. I know that living alone in a foreign country could be diificult. But I know, and I have faith, that you will be able to make the most of it. You are capable of spinning webs of happiness from the silver linings of the black clouds. How do I know this? Search deep in your know it's true.
So, Adam dearest, if you are reading this blog, I am sorry for all the wrong things that were uttered, for all the things that were unsaid, for not being there in the time of needs, and many more. I can't seem to put words together now for the tears are clouding my eyes ... Adam, I realised that in a few months time, you will be awarded with the key to freedom, therefore, I am ready to let you go. Fly high as a kite, brother dearest, and soar among the eagles, be cushioned among the clouds. But brother dearest, just like the kite, there will always be a string attached to hold you firmly to the ground so you'll know the way back home... and at the end of the string, you will see me looking up at you, smiling proudly at the way you fly and with open arms will fold you with love when you are ready to be back to the ground.
Birthday Abah

Abah turns 66 last Monday, 9/11/2009. Celebrated with the whole Ahmad clan (minus abang Hezal who is India) at the Legend Hotel KL. We had hi-tea. Bolehlaaa.... So, just wishing my deares abah Happy Birthday and many happy returns. I love you with all my heart and tahnk you for always being there for me. May Allah bless you.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
What a blast...
Yesterday was a fun, fun day. Like many other schools, our Staff Club had organised another year end makan-makan. Instead of the usual dinner (much to many people's dismay), they had instead organised a lunch at the Selesa Beach Hotel. This was due to the fact that we had many teachers commuting from Seremban. They had wished for a full attendance at the lunch... and their wish was granted.
I, for one, like the idea of having lunch instead of a dinner. Bukan apa... it just doesn't feel good dressing up with 5 pairs of hope-i-cud-go-wit-you-eyes looking at you. Tak tertahan jiwa dan raga ku... I would end up lugging the whole of Farid clan to the wherever-hotel that the dinner is organised. Which means tak dapatler nak gelak huhuhaha with me friends. Teruk kan??
Gambar? Kena tunggu courtesy of Siti Zunaidah. Boleh I terforgot to bring the camera. Yappeda... Me camera phone? Tak berapa bagusler. Cannot zoom in and out punyer. Kena tukar handphone nih!!!
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Ter Rajin Pulak
Salam. Wanted to post pictures of my family members. But, Farah's picture was the only one that managed to get thru. Sigh! Guess learning through trials and error would reap rewards later. Therefore, I will continue trying, eh?
To be fair, I've put up another picture. It's Farhan, my first offspring. This picture was taken last Ramadhan, at the Legend Hotel. We had a small yet still fun buka puasa with a few close friends from my PPP/UiTM days. The first picture is of him and his youngest sister Fatin. The one below is of him and Mai's children. Dunno who snapped the photos. Could either be Haniey's Ariff. The camera had fallen into the kids' hand, and omigosh! Bermacam2 gambar ler yang dia orang amik. Kids...
My hubby is engrossed with the soccer match, Malaysia Cup Final between N9 and Kelantan. At this moment, the local heart throb soccer dud Zaquan Adha has been carried out 3 times out the field. But I guess he just can't stay outside. N9 is leading 2-0. I do hope that N9 will win with high hopes that Monday would be a public holiday if they win the cup. Hahaha...
Read a colleague's blog. Had a further insight of her thoughts ... on us and others. My 2 cents comments... Being quiet and holding your fort solitary has its advantages. People tend to be intrigued with you. But... that ain't me. I believe I do know when to keep a lid to my bubbly mouth, but I too believe that when you're alone, you might interpret things wrongly, with no one to guide you. Left with your own train of thoughts, you might be carried away and often think negatively about others. Confused? Never mind. Bukannya penting pun. Orangnya dan pikirannya... Hehehe. Apa yang penting? She and I can work well together when it comes to work. Kan?
To be fair, I've put up another picture. It's Farhan, my first offspring. This picture was taken last Ramadhan, at the Legend Hotel. We had a small yet still fun buka puasa with a few close friends from my PPP/UiTM days. The first picture is of him and his youngest sister Fatin. The one below is of him and Mai's children. Dunno who snapped the photos. Could either be Haniey's Ariff. The camera had fallen into the kids' hand, and omigosh! Bermacam2 gambar ler yang dia orang amik. Kids...
A New Start
7th November 2009
A new date ... A new blog. Have written several times, at several blogs. Have yet to stay committed. Consider this part of my 2010 resolutions. I plan to further my studies and heard from a colleague that UiTM has launched an online classes for Masters students. If this is true, I have to master and utilise the computer fully. Bukannya susah sebenarnya pun. And I often reminded my students to open up their mind to new things, new technologies. Taapi yang tak bergeraknya, adalah aku... So, it's time to change. And ... it's better late than never! Kan? Hence, let's view the pictures of the "wind beneath my wind". My family.
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